Multi-call support allows you to:
a/ View current used minutes
accumulatively counted from the begining of current month. With minimum
configuration setting ( Enable field "Monitor sum used"), you will know the
amount of minutes used.
b/ Monitor calls for period of whole month or whole week or whole day depending on your plan
(not just monitoring one call separately as before).
- if you enable "Multi-call mode" and not change or
change only "Begining balance (minutes)", then ONLY the last call (call that
runs out monthly free time ) of month hangs up. In other word, call hangs
up ONLY when balance equal zero. Begin balance is the amount of remaining
minutes you have for your current plan at the time you install this application. By default new month is considered to be first day of the month but you can change (if your carrier begin to charge you at other day) it at "Timer reset day" (or "Día de comienzo" for Spanish version). You can manually reset timer or change monitoring cycle to daily/weekly/monthly.
c/ Limit free time to a time interval and
apply auto hang up to only calls that go into this interval.
- if you change setting (applied for plan with free
minutes from xx hours to yy hours) in "Setting free time interval", call
will hang up when it reaches the "Free to" limit if your balance still >= 0,
otherwise call will finish when balance equal to 0 . The default settings for
"Free From" and "Free To" are 0 and 24, correspondingly. The settings mean
that all day is free. When change these settings, you should enter hours in
24-hour format and configure your phone to use 24-hour format (check it in
Settings-->Date and Time).
PLEASE NOTE: if you enable "Multi-call mode", when
your balance finishes, any further call will hang up immediately after new call
is made, to continue make call as usual you eithor need to disable the option or
disable the application till the end of the month.
1/ If you have daily free minutes plan, ex. 90 minutes/day, you can configure as follows:
a/ Click Multi-call settings.
b/ Enable option Multi-call mode.
c/ Set beginning balance (90 minutes)
d/ Choose "Daily" in "Reset type".
2/ If you have a free number plan, such as free for first xx (or xxx) minutes, then you can configure the application as follows:
1/ If you have daily free minutes plan, ex. 90 minutes/day, you can configure as follows:
a/ Click Multi-call settings.
b/ Enable option Multi-call mode.
c/ Set beginning balance (90 minutes)
d/ Choose "Daily" in "Reset type".
2/ If you have a free number plan, such as free for first xx (or xxx) minutes, then you can configure the application as follows:
a/ Enter number of free minutes in field "Minutes". Ex. 5.
b/ Enable option "Monitor sum used".
3/ If you have a plan that offers free minutes for whole month, you can configure the application as follows:
a/ Enter number of free minutes (for whole month) in field "Minutes".
b/ Enable option "Monitor sum used".
c/ Click "Multi-call settings".
d/ Enable option "Multi-call mode".
e/ If the application is installed after beginning of the month, you need to know how many free minutes left till the end of month. After knowing that number, you enter it in field "Beginning balance".
4/ If you have a plan that offers free minutes from xx hours to yy hours, then you can configure the application as follows:
- Go through all step from a to e as describe in configuration 2.
- Enter xx and yy into "Free from" and "Free to", correspondingly. Hours entered should be in 24-hour format.
- Go to System Settings-> Date & Time and enable option "Use 24-hour format.